Some Great Student Portfolios

Diego Andreas’s portfolio excels because of the quality of his work and the intriguing topics of his case studies. His portfolio features:

  • Alternating colored backgrounds to showcase different sections
  • Almost equal balance between visuals and text. This wouldn’t work if the text wasn’t informative, but Diego provides enough information to show he understands process and how to create great UX. 
  • Sponsor is a vital project that pairs homeless people with sponsors to temporarily house them.

Lucia Hua’s portfolio features striking color contrast, compelling interaction, and clear to-the-point explanations.

Carnegie Mellon grad Ije Okafor’s website is clean, attractive, and delves deeply into four projects.

Also from Carnegie Mellon, Andy Wilbourn’s portfolio concentrates on health care projects. In each project he clearly shows his role and gives two ‘slices’ of the project – one for his tasks and one for the solution as a whole.