Introducing Your Capstone Project

For your Capstone project you have freedom to pick whatever problem you’d like to solve. Your Capstone will start in Class 17, and your teacher needs to approve your project before then. Find one or two projects now so you can hit the ground running.

For this project we prefer that you have an actual client who needs something done, whether it is creating a new or improving an existing website, creating a prototype to solve a problem, or having a new take on an existing app.

Mobile apps are preferred over websites since they are where most of the action is these days. But a good website or other type of product design can effectively showcase your UX skills.

Working with a real stakeholder will be a great learning experience. If you have the opportunity to work with a startup or a company, brainstorm with them and find a side project you can complete in 5-6 weeks.

We will understand if you cannot find a client, but you’ll still need to build something significant. Please think about this so you can get your project approved as soon as possible and before the Class 17 deadline.